While the physical benefits of running are well-established, there is plenty of evidence to suggest running can improve your mental health, too. Running has been a large part of managing my own well-being over the years, and I expect many other runners would say the...
Month: November 2021 Articles
How to run longer without getting tired
When you're first starting out as a runner, you may notice you feel increasingly tired as you add more volume and distance to your runs. While fatigue is normal to a certain extent, it can initially be tricky to determine what's part of the training process and what's...
Jogging vs. running: Are they different?
Ever thought about the difference between jogging vs. running? Many newer runners prefer the former as it has a slower, more casual connotation. But you don't need to be blazing fast to earn the title of "runner." And there's no graduation ceremony from being a jogger...
Reap the head-to-toe benefits of the run
DISCLAIMER: THIS ARTICLE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE The content in this post is intended for informational or general educational purposes only and it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the...