Life is busy, and can be hard and full of things that can take us away from keeping active. And so often we say to ourselves ‘Oh I’ll start again next week’, ‘I’ll have more time next Monday’. But Monday or next week rolls around and we find ourselves in this continuous loop. When the truth is, yes, life does get busy, but often we are setting ourselves unrealistic goals that don’t accommodate our lifestyles or busy schedules or we are forcing ourselves to do something we do not love to do.
Here are my tops on how to beat that cycle, stay motivated and incorporate even just 5 minutes of activity in your day to day.
Do something you LOVE
The secret to staying motivated is to do something you love. Finding a form of movement that brings you joy makes it all the easier to actually get up and go do it. Whether that be going for a run, a walk, a dance class, pilates class or a big strength session. Moving your body should make you feel good, happy and empowered. Whatever that is for you it makes it all that easier to actually go and do it.
Make it Social
One of the best ways you can commit to staying active is having a friend do it with you. Whether you commit to going for a run or walk together or attend a fitness class together. You won’t want to let down your friend, which means you will show up. You can also lean on one another and help keep each other accountable.
Write down your goals or tell someone about them
One of the easiest ways to commit to something you want to do is to actually write it down whether than be on a piece of paper or in your notes app or to tell someone about it. When we’ve written it down or told another person about something we are going to try to achieve, it makes it real. Our brains force us to commit. It is said that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them.
Be Kind to yourself
Sometimes the session, run, walk or whatever it is you’ve gone and done absolutely sucks. I want you to remember that that’s okay – sometimes it does suck. But in those moments it is so important to not beat yourself up and be kind to yourself. Remember to speak to yourself how you would to your best friend, think positive thoughts and remind yourself the fact that you showed up for yourself is all that matters. It’s in these moments where we get tougher, stronger and become the best versions of ourselves.
Know that it is YOU vs YOU
On your fitness journey it is really important to remember that it is YOU vs YOU and no one else. So often we can get caught up in the comparison game and begin comparing our fitness levels and looks to others which only does us more harm than good. It is so easy to get lost in this spiral but so important to remember that we are all different and working towards different things and that our only competition is ourselves. A great way to stay focused and not fall into the comparison trap is to set yourself small performance goals. For example, run 2km without stopping, do an unassisted pull up, walk for 30 minutes each day. These help keep you focused on you and what it is you are working towards.
In order to show up ourselves it is super important we have a few little things we can do everyday that bring us joy but also set us up to be the best versions of ourselves. Exercise is simply one of those things that leaves us feeling good. Whenever you are struggling for that little bit of extra motivation use some of these little tips and tricks to get you up and moving!
Keep up with Annie Kornitschuk and her fitness tips by following her on Instagram @anniekfitness