When you're first starting out as a runner, you may notice you feel increasingly tired as you add more volume and distance to your runs. While fatigue is normal to a certain extent, it can initially be tricky to determine what's part of the training process and what's...
Advice & tips Articles
Jogging vs. running: Are they different?
Ever thought about the difference between jogging vs. running? Many newer runners prefer the former as it has a slower, more casual connotation. But you don't need to be blazing fast to earn the title of "runner." And there's no graduation ceremony from being a jogger...
Why it’s important to understand running pace
As a new runner, once you enter the recreational running scene and consider training for a short race, you'll quickly become acquainted with the term "running pace." Using pace to measure your speed is much easier than measuring miles per hour, and understanding your...
A new runner’s guide to summer running
Now that we're emerging from pandemic lockdowns, summertime 5Ks and other running events are also making a comeback just in time for the warmer weather. And summer running is when strength is cultivated and personal records (PBs) are made — or so they...
Start with your best foot forward: running tips for beginners
You don’t need much to become a competent runner. Consistency and persistence are key — and if we’re being honest, great gear helps, too. To give you a leg up, we’ve put together some pearls of wisdom to help you on your runs. 10 tips to run happy You’ll learn...
Running in the Rain
Do you sing “rain, rain, go away” at the first sign of a drizzle? Follow these wet-weather tips to help you embrace the downpour. Why run in the rain? Running is hard enough, but doing it soaking wet can be unfun. No one likes getting weighed down by...
Running with dogs? Yes, please.
Follow our tips for running with your doggo and you’ll be ready for trail wags and pavement pitter patter in no time. What are the benefits of running with your dog? Running can be kind of a paradox. Many embrace the sport because it offers solitude. But...
Expert tips for running in the cold
Do you struggle with your run when temperatures drop? Here is some advice on how to run in the cold. It’s important to stick to your routine, weather be damned The air is stupid cold. The condensation from your breath is as thick as fog. You can’t feel your hands or...
Runner’s high vs. Runfulness
Learn how Runfulness is different from a runner’s high and how it can help you find more power in your run. What is a runner’s high? You’re 30 minutes into your daily run. The initial stiffness in your legs has worn off, you’re breathing easy, and your stride...
Top ten trail running tips
1. Set 'YOUR' race day goal That's right, it has to be YOUR goal and have meaning to you. Not others or you won't be able to make it happen. These race day goals can be things like - stick to race day nutrition, nail your pacing, have a strong second half of your race...
How to always run happy
It can be hard staying motivated without a goal, so with some states rules starting to relax, now is a great time to pick a goal race and start getting back into training. If you are not sure where to start, or those chilly winter mornings make your bed too snuggly to...