Advice & tips Articles

Top 5 things to do before your run!

Top 5 things to do before your run!

The warm up before a run is arguably one of the most important things you should be doing as a runner. Whether you’re planning to run 100 metres, a 5k or a half marathon, the warm up is an essential way to prepare yourself physically and mentally for the run or...

4 running books to keep you motivated

4 running books to keep you motivated

No matter how much you love running, virtually every runner deals with a lack of motivation at some point or another. There are various things you can do to try to get your mojo back — watch a race on TV, spectate a local one in person, or pick up one of the many...

Trail running tips for beginners

Trail running tips for beginners

New to trail running and wondering how to get started? Our experts will have you running on the beaten path in no time. What is trail running? There’s a great big world out there beyond the pavement, and trail running is a wonderful way to experience it. It’s a simple...

Have you met our Run Bras?

Have you met our Run Bras?

Working for an athleisure brand was always a dream of mine, so when I started at Brooks, I knew that it was a perfect match. Whilst running shoes are our forte, our sports clothing range also benefits from the same commitment to performance and focus on the run. In...

A walk a day..

A walk a day..

An old saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", but what if this were true for walking. Walking has many benefits for your physical and mental health, helping you live longer and happier lives. In shorter terms, it means good things for those who walk....

How to run longer without getting tired

How to run longer without getting tired

When you're first starting out as a runner, you may notice you feel increasingly tired as you add more volume and distance to your runs. While fatigue is normal to a certain extent, it can initially be tricky to determine what's part of the training process and what's...

Jogging vs. running: Are they different?

Jogging vs. running: Are they different?

Ever thought about the difference between jogging vs. running? Many newer runners prefer the former as it has a slower, more casual connotation. But you don't need to be blazing fast to earn the title of "runner." And there's no graduation ceremony from being a jogger...

Why it’s important to understand running pace

Why it’s important to understand running pace

As a new runner, once you enter the recreational running scene and consider training for a short race, you'll quickly become acquainted with the term "running pace." Using pace to measure your speed is much easier than measuring miles per hour, and understanding your...

A new runner’s guide to summer running

A new runner’s guide to summer running

    Now that we're emerging from pandemic lockdowns, summertime 5Ks and other running events are also making a comeback just in time for the warmer weather. And summer running is when strength is cultivated and personal records (PBs) are made — or so they...

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